4th part html basic knowledge
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) describe how documents are presented on screens, in print, or perhaps how they are pronounced. W3C has actively promoted the use of style sheets on the Web since the consortium was founded in 1994.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) provide easy and effective alternatives to specify various attributes for the HTML tags. Using CSS, you can specify a number of style properties for a given HTML element. Each property has a name and a value, separated by a colon (:). Each property declaration is separated by a semi-colon (;).
First let's consider an example of HTML document which makes use of <font> tag and associated attributes to specify text color and font size −
Live DemoNote − The font tag deprecated and it is supposed to be removed in a future version of HTML. So they should not be used rather, it's suggested to use CSS styles to manipulate your fonts. But still for learning purpose, this chapter will work with an example using the font tag.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>HTML CSS</title> </head> <body> <p><font color = "green" size = "5">Hello, World!</font></p> </body> </html>
We can re-write above example with the help of Style Sheet as follows −
Live Demo<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>HTML CSS</title> </head> <body> <p style = "color:green; font-size:24px;" >Hello, World!</p> </body> </html>
This will produce the following result −
You can use CSS in three ways in your HTML document −
- External Style Sheet − Define style sheet rules in a separate .css file and then include that file in your HTML document using HTML <link> tag.
- Internal Style Sheet − Define style sheet rules in header section of the HTML document using <style> tag.
- Inline Style Sheet − Define style sheet rules directly along-with the HTML elements using style attribute.
Let's see all the three cases one by one with the help of suitable examples.
External Style Sheet
If you need to use your style sheet to various pages, then its always recommended to define a common style sheet in a separate file. A cascading style sheet file will have extension as .css and it will be included in HTML files using <link> tag.
Consider we define a style sheet file style.csswhich has following rules −
.red { color: red; } .thick { font-size:20px; } .green { color:green; }
Here we defined three CSS rules which will be applicable to three different classes defined for the HTML tags. I suggest you should not bother about how these rules are being defined because you will learn them while studying CSS. Now let's make use of the above external CSS file in our following HTML document −
Live Demo<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>HTML External CSS</title> <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "/html/style.css"> </head> <body> <p class = "red">This is red</p> <p class = "thick">This is thick</p> <p class = "green">This is green</p> <p class = "thick green">This is thick and green</p> </body> </html>
This will produce the following result −
Internal Style Sheet
If you want to apply Style Sheet rules to a single document only, then you can include those rules in header section of the HTML document using <style> tag.
Rules defined in internal style sheet overrides the rules defined in an external CSS file.
Let's re-write above example once again, but here we will write style sheet rules in the same HTML document using <style> tag −
Live Demo<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>HTML Internal CSS</title> <style type = "text/css"> .red { color: red; } .thick{ font-size:20px; } .green { color:green; } </style> </head> <body> <p class = "red">This is red</p> <p class = "thick">This is thick</p> <p class = "green">This is green</p> <p class = "thick green">This is thick and green</p> </body> </html>
This will produce the following result −
Inline Style Sheet
You can apply style sheet rules directly to any HTML element using style attribute of the relevant tag. This should be done only when you are interested to make a particular change in any HTML element only.
Rules defined inline with the element overrides the rules defined in an external CSS file as well as the rules defined in <style> element.
Let's re-write above example once again, but here we will write style sheet rules along with the HTML elements using style attribute of those elements.
Live Demo<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>HTML Inline CSS</title> </head> <body> <p style = "color:red;">This is red</p> <p style = "font-size:20px;">This is thick</p> <p style = "color:green;">This is green</p> <p style = "color:green;font-size:20px;">This is thick and green</p> </body> </html>
This will produce the following result −
A script is a small piece of program that can add interactivity to your website. For example, a script could generate a pop-up alert box message, or provide a dropdown menu. This script could be written using JavaScript or VBScript.
You can write various small functions, called event handlers using any of the scripting language and then you can trigger those functions using HTML attributes.
Now-a-days, only JavaScript and associated frameworks are being used by most of the web developers, VBScript is not even supported by various major browsers.
You can keep JavaScript code in a separate file and then include it wherever it's needed, or you can define functionality inside HTML document itself. Let's see both the cases one by one with suitable examples.
External JavaScript
If you are going to define a functionality which will be used in various HTML documents then it's better to keep that functionality in a separate JavaScript file and then include that file in your HTML documents. A JavaScript file will have extension as .js and it will be included in HTML files using <script> tag.
Consider we define a small function using JavaScript in script.js which has following code −
function Hello() { alert("Hello, World"); }
Now let's make use of the above external JavaScript file in our following HTML document −
Live Demo<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Javascript External Script</title> <script src = "/html/script.js" type = "text/javascript"/></script> </head> <body> <input type = "button" onclick = "Hello();" name = "ok" value = "Click Me" /> </body> </html>
This will produce the following result, where you can try to click on the given button −
Internal Script
You can write your script code directly into your HTML document. Usually we keep script code in header of the document using <script> tag, otherwise there is no restriction and you can put your source code anywhere in the document but inside <script> tag.
Live Demo<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>JavaScript Internal Script</title> <base href = "https://www.tutorialspoint.com/" /> <script type = "text/JavaScript"> function Hello() { alert("Hello, World"); } </script> </head> <body> <input type = "button" onclick = "Hello();" name = "ok" value = "Click Me" /> </body> </html>
This will produce the following result, where you can try to click on the given button −
Event Handlers
Event handlers are nothing but simply defined functions which can be called against any mouse or keyboard event. You can define your business logic inside your event handler which can vary from a single to 1000s of line code.
Following example explains how to write an event handler. Let's write one simple function EventHandler() in the header of the document. We will call this function when any user brings mouse over a paragraph.
Live Demo<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Event Handlers Example</title> <base href = "https://www.tutorialspoint.com/" /> <script type = "text/JavaScript"> function EventHandler() { alert("I'm event handler!!"); } </script> </head> <body> <p onmouseover = "EventHandler();">Bring your mouse here to see an alert</p> </body> </html>
Now This will produce the following result. Bring your mouse over this line and see the result −
Hide Scripts from Older Browsers
Although most (if not all) browsers these days support JavaScript, but still some older browsers don't. If a browser doesn't support JavaScript, instead of running your script, it would display the code to the user. To prevent this, you can simply place HTML comments around the script as shown below.
JavaScript Example: <script type = "text/JavaScript"> <!-- document.write("Hello JavaScript!"); //--> </script> VBScript Example: <script type = "text/vbscript"> <!-- document.write("Hello VBScript!") '--> </script>
The <noscript> Element
You can also provide alternative info to the users whose browsers don't support scripts and for those users who have disabled script option their browsers. You can do this using the <noscript> tag.
JavaScript Example: <script type = "text/JavaScript"> <!-- document.write("Hello JavaScript!"); //--> </script> <noscript>Your browser does not support JavaScript!</noscript> VBScript Example: <script type = "text/vbscript"> <!-- document.write("Hello VBScript!") '--> </script> <noscript>Your browser does not support VBScript!</noscript>
Default Scripting Language
There may be a situation when you will include multiple script files and ultimately using multiple <script> tags. You can specify a default scripting language for all your script tags. This saves you from specifying the language every time you use a script tag within the page. Below is the example −
<meta http-equiv = "Content-Script-Type" content = "text/JavaScript" />
Note that you can still override the default by specifying a language within the script tag
A webpage layout is very important to give better look to your website. It takes considerable time to design a website's layout with great look and feel.
Now-a-days, all modern websites are using CSS and JavaScript based framework to come up with responsive and dynamic websites but you can create a good layout using simple HTML tables or division tags in combination with other formatting tags. This chapter will give you few examples on how to create a simple but working layout for your webpage using pure HTML and its attributes.
HTML Layout - Using Tables
The simplest and most popular way of creating layouts is using HTML <table> tag. These tables are arranged in columns and rows, so you can utilize these rows and columns in whatever way you like.
For example, the following HTML layout example is achieved using a table with 3 rows and 2 columns but the header and footer column spans both columns using the colspan attribute −
Live Demo<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>HTML Layout using Tables</title> </head> <body> <table width = "100%" border = "0"> <tr> <td colspan = "2" bgcolor = "#b5dcb3"> <h1>This is Web Page Main title</h1> </td> </tr> <tr valign = "top"> <td bgcolor = "#aaa" width = "50"> <b>Main Menu</b><br /> HTML<br /> PHP<br /> PERL... </td> <td bgcolor = "#eee" width = "100" height = "200"> Technical and Managerial Tutorials </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan = "2" bgcolor = "#b5dcb3"> <center> Copyright © 2007 Tutorialspoint.com </center> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
This will produce the following result −
Multiple Columns Layout - Using Tables
You can design your webpage to put your web content in multiple pages. You can keep your content in middle column and you can use left column to use menu and right column can be used to put advertisement or some other stuff. This layout will be very similar to what we have at our website tutorialspoint.com.
Here is an example to create three column layout −
Live Demo<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Three Column HTML Layout</title> </head> <body> <table width = "100%" border = "0"> <tr valign = "top"> <td bgcolor = "#aaa" width = "20%"> <b>Main Menu</b><br /> HTML<br /> PHP<br /> PERL... </td> <td bgcolor = "#b5dcb3" height = "200" width = "60%"> Technical and Managerial Tutorials </td> <td bgcolor = "#aaa" width = "20%"> <b>Right Menu</b><br /> HTML<br /> PHP<br /> PERL... </td> </tr> <table> </body> </html>
This will produce the following result −
HTML Layouts - Using DIV, SPAN
The <div> element is a block level element used for grouping HTML elements. While the <div> tag is a block-level element, the HTML <span> element is used for grouping elements at an inline level.
Although we can achieve pretty nice layouts with HTML tables, but tables weren't really designed as a layout tool. Tables are more suited to presenting tabular data.
Note − This example makes use of Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), so before understanding this example you need to have a better understanding on how CSS works.
Here we will try to achieve same result using <div> tag along with CSS, whatever you have achieved using <table> tag in previous example.
Live Demo<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>HTML Layouts using DIV, SPAN</title> </head> <body> <div style = "width:100%"> <div style = "background-color:#b5dcb3; width:100%"> <h1>This is Web Page Main title</h1> </div> <div style = "background-color:#aaa; height:200px; width:100px; float:left;"> <div><b>Main Menu</b></div> HTML<br /> PHP<br /> PERL... </div> <div style = "background-color:#eee; height:200px; width:350px; float:left;" > <p>Technical and Managerial Tutorials</p> </div> <div style = "background-color:#aaa; height:200px; width:100px; float:right;"> <div><b>Right Menu</b></div> HTML<br /> PHP<br /> PERL... </div> <div style = "background-color:#b5dcb3; clear:both"> <center> Copyright © 2007 Tutorialspoint.com </center> </div> </div> </body> </html>
This will produce the following result −
You can create better layout using DIV, SPAN along with CSS. For more information on CSS, please refer to CSS Tutorial
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