7th part html basic knowledge
Fonts are specific to platform. If you are using different OS then you will have different look and feel of any web page. Here we are giving a list of fonts which are available to various operating systems.
HTML <FONT> tag is deprecated in version 4.0 onwards and now all fonts are set by using CSS. Here is the simple syntax of setting font of a body of web page.
body { font-family: "new century schoolbook"; } or <body style = "font-family:new century schoolbook;" >
Fonts for Microsoft OS and Browsers −
Font | Font | Font |
Andale Mono | Arial | Arial Bold |
Arial Italic | Arial Bold Italic | Arial Black |
Comic Sans MS | Comic Sans MS Bold | Courier New |
Courier New Bold | Courier New Italic | Courier New Bold Italic |
Georgia | Georgia Bold | Georgia Italic |
Georgia Bold Italic | Impact | Lucida Console |
Lucida Sans Unicode | Marlett | Minion Web |
Symbol | Times New Roman | Times New Roman Bold |
Times New Roman Italic | Times New Roman Bold Italic | Tahoma |
Trebuchet MS | Trebuchet MS Bold | Trebuchet MS Italic |
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic | Verdana | Verdana Bold |
Verdana Italic | Verdana Bold Italic | Webdings |
You can have more information on Microsoft Fonts at http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fonts.
You can check example fonts here − Microsoft Fonts Examples
Fonts for Macintosh Systems −
Following is the list of fonts supported by Macintosh System 7 and higher versions
Font | Font | Font |
American Typewriter | Andale Mono | Apple Chancery |
Arial | Arial Black | Brush Script |
Baskerville | Big Caslon | Comic Sans MS |
Copperplate | Courier New | Gill Sans |
Futura | Herculanum | Impact |
Lucida Grande | Marker Felt | Optima |
Trebuchet MS | Verdana | Webdings |
Palatino | Symbol | Times |
Osaka | Papyrus | Times New Roman |
Textile | Zapf Dingbats | Zapfino |
Techno | Hoefler Text | Skia |
Hoefler Text Ornaments | Capitals | Charcoal |
Gadget | Sand |
You can check example fonts here − Mac Fonts Examples
Fonts for Unix Systems −
Following is the list of fonts supported by most Unix System variants
Font | Font | Font |
Charter | Clean | Courier |
Fixed | Helvetica | Lucida |
Lucida bright | Lucida Typewriter | New Century Schoolbook |
Symbol | Terminal | Times |
Utopia |
When a user visit your website, they do things like click on text and images and given links, hover over things etc. These are examples of what JavaScript calls events.
We can write our event handlers in Javascript or vbscript and can specify these event handlers as a value of event tag attribute. The HTML 4.01 specification defines 19 event attributes as listed below −
<body> and <frameset> Level Events
There are only two attributes which can be used to trigger any javascript or vbscript code when there is any event occurs on document level.
Attribute | Value | Description |
onload | script | Script runs when a HTML document loads |
onunload | script | Script runs when a HTML document unloads |
NOTE − Here script refer to any VBScript or JavaScript function or piece of code.
<form> Level Events
There are following six attributes which can be used to trigger any javascript or vbscript code when there is any event occurs on form level.
Attribute | Value | Description |
onchange | script | Script runs when the element changes |
onsubmit | script | Script runs when the form is submitted |
onreset | script | Script runs when the form is reset |
onselect | script | Script runs when the element is selected |
onblur | script | Script runs when the element loses focus |
onfocus | script | Script runs when the element gets focus |
Keyboard Events
There are following three events which are generated by keyboard. These events are not valid in base, bdo, br, frame, frameset, head, html, iframe, meta, param, script, style, and title elements.
Attribute | Value | Description |
onkeydown | script | Script runs when key is pressed |
onkeypress | script | Script runs when key is pressed and released |
onkeyup | script | Script runs when key is released |
Other Events
There following other 7 events which are generated by mouse when it comes in contact of any HTML tag. These events are not valid in base, bdo, br, frame, frameset, head, html, iframe, meta, param, script, style, title elements.
Attribute | Value | Description |
onclick | script | Script runs when a mouse click |
ondblclick | script | Script runs when a mouse double-click |
onmousedown | script | Script runs when mouse button is pressed |
onmousemove | script | Script runs when mouse pointer moves |
onmouseout | script | Script runs when mouse pointer moves out of an element |
onmouseover | script | Script runs when mouse pointer moves over an element |
onmouseup | script | Script runs when mouse button is released |
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) media types were originally devised so that e-mails could include information other than plain text. MIME media types indicate the following things −
- How different parts of a message, such as text and attachments, are combined into the message.
- The way in which each part of the message is specified.
- The way different items are encoded for transmission so that even software that was designed to work only with ASCII text can process the message.
Now MIME types are not just for use with e-mail; they have been adopted by Web servers as a way to tell Web browsers what type of material was being sent to them so that they can cope with that kind of messages correctly.
MIME content types consist of two parts −
- A main type
- A sub-type
The main type is separated from the subtype by a forward slash character. For example, text/html for HTML.
This chapter is organized for the main types −
For example, the text main type contains types of plain text files, such as −
- text/plain for plain text files
- text/html for HTML files
- text/rtf for text files using rich text formatting
MIME types are officially supposed to be assigned and listed by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
Many of the popular MIME types in this list (all those begin with "x-") are not assigned by the IANA and do not have official status. You can see the list of official MIME types at http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/. Those preceded with .vnd are vendorspecific.
When specifying the MIME type of a content-type field you can also indicate the character set for the text being used. If you do not specify a character set, the default is US-ASCII. For example −
content-type:text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
URL encoding is the practice of translating unprintable characters or characters with special meaning within URLs to a representation that is unambiguous and universally accepted by web browsers and servers. These characters include −
- ASCII control characters − Unprintable characters typically used for output control. Character ranges 00-1F hex (0-31 decimal) and 7F (127 decimal). A complete encoding table is given below.
- Non-ASCII control characters − These are characters beyond the ASCII character set of 128 characters. This range is part of the ISO-Latin character set and includes the entire "top half" of the ISO-Latin set 80-FF hex (128-255 decimal). A complete encoding table is given below.
- Reserved characters − These are special characters such as the dollar sign, ampersand, plus, common, forward slash, colon, semi-colon, equals sign, question mark, and "at" symbol. All of these can have different meanings inside a URL so need to be encoded. A complete encoding table is given below.
- Unsafe characters − These are space, quotation marks, less than symbol, greater than symbol, pound character, percent character, Left Curly Brace, Right Curly Brace, Pipe, Backslash, Caret, Tilde, Left Square Bracket, Right Square Bracket, Grave Accent. These character present the possibility of being misunderstood within URLs for various reasons. These characters should also always be encoded. A complete encoding table is given below.
The encoding notation replaces the desired character with three characters: a percent sign and two hexadecimal digits that correspond to the position of the character in the ASCII character set.
One of the most common special characters is a white space. You can't type a space in a URL directly. A space position in the character set is 20 hexadecimals. So you can use %20 in place of a space when passing your request to the server.
This URL actually retrieves a document named "new pricing.htm" from the www.example.com
ASCII Control Characters Encoding
This includes the encoding for character ranges 00-1F hex (0-31 decimal) and 7F (127 decimal)
Decimal | Hex Value | Character | URL Encode |
0 | 00 | ||
1 | 01 | %01 | |
2 | 02 | %02 | |
3 | 03 | %03 | |
4 | 04 | %04 | |
5 | 05 | %05 | |
6 | 06 | %06 | |
7 | 07 | %07 | |
8 | 08 | backspace | %08 |
9 | 09 | tab | %09 |
10 | 0a | linefeed | %0a |
11 | 0b | %0b | |
12 | 0c | %0c | |
13 | 0d | carriage return | %0d |
14 | 0e | %0e | |
15 | 0f | %0f | |
16 | 10 | %10 | |
17 | 11 | %11 | |
18 | 12 | %12 | |
19 | 13 | %13 | |
20 | 14 | %14 | |
21 | 15 | %15 | |
22 | 16 | %16 | |
23 | 17 | %17 | |
24 | 18 | %18 | |
25 | 19 | %19 | |
26 | 1a | %1a | |
27 | 1b | %1b | |
28 | 1c | %1c | |
29 | 1d | %1d | |
30 | 1e | %1e | |
31 | 1f | %1f | |
127 | 7f | %7f |
Non-ASCII control characters encoding
This includes the encoding for the entire "top half" of the ISO-Latin set 80-FF hex (128255 decimal.)
Decimal | Hex Value | Character | URL Encode |
128 | 80 | € | %80 |
129 | 81 | | %81 |
130 | 82 | ‚ | %82 |
131 | 83 | ƒ | %83 |
132 | 84 | „ | %84 |
133 | 85 | … | %85 |
134 | 86 | † | %86 |
135 | 87 | ‡ | %87 |
136 | 88 | ˆ | %88 |
137 | 89 | ‰ | %89 |
138 | 8a | Š | %8a |
139 | 8b | ‹ | %8b |
140 | 8c | Œ | %8c |
141 | 8d | | %8d |
142 | 8e | Ž | %8e |
143 | 8f | | %8f |
144 | 90 | | %90 |
145 | 91 | ‘ | %91 |
146 | 92 | ’ | %92 |
147 | 93 | “ | %93 |
148 | 94 | ” | %94 |
149 | 95 | • | %95 |
150 | 96 | – | %96 |
151 | 97 | — | %97 |
152 | 98 | ˜ | %98 |
153 | 99 | ™ | %99 |
154 | 9a | š | %9a |
155 | 9b | › | %9b |
156 | 9c | œ | %9c |
157 | 9d | | %9d |
158 | 9e | ž | %9e |
159 | 9f | Ÿ | %9f |
160 | a0 | %a0 | |
161 | a1 | ¡ | %a1 |
162 | a2 | ¢ | %a2 |
163 | a3 | £ | %a3 |
164 | a4 | ¤ | %a4 |
165 | a5 | ¥ | %a5 |
166 | a6 | ¦ | %a6 |
167 | a7 | § | %a7 |
168 | a8 | ¨ | %a8 |
169 | a9 | © | %a9 |
170 | aa | ª | %aa |
171 | ab | « | %ab |
172 | ac | ¬ | %ac |
173 | ad | %ad | |
174 | ae | ® | %ae |
175 | af | ¯ | %af |
176 | b0 | ° | %b0 |
177 | b1 | ± | %b1 |
178 | b2 | ² | %b2 |
179 | b3 | ³ | %b3 |
180 | b4 | ´ | %b4 |
181 | b5 | µ | %b5 |
182 | b6 | ¶ | %b6 |
183 | b7 | · | %b7 |
184 | b8 | ¸ | %b8 |
185 | b9 | ¹ | %b9 |
186 | ba | º | %ba |
187 | bb | » | %bb |
188 | bc | ¼ | %bc |
189 | bd | ½ | %bd |
190 | be | ¾ | %be |
191 | bf | ¿ | %bf |
192 | c0 | À | %c0 |
193 | c1 | Á | %c1 |
194 | c2 | Â | %c2 |
195 | c3 | Ã | %c3 |
196 | c4 | Ä | %c4 |
197 | c5 | Å | %c5 |
198 | c6 | Æ | %v6 |
199 | c7 | Ç | %c7 |
200 | c8 | È | %c8 |
201 | c9 | É | %c9 |
202 | ca | Ê | %ca |
203 | cb | Ë | %cb |
204 | cc | Ì | %cc |
205 | cd | Í | %cd |
206 | ce | Î | %ce |
207 | cf | Ï | %cf |
208 | d0 | Ð | %d0 |
209 | d1 | Ñ | %d1 |
210 | d2 | Ò | %d2 |
211 | d3 | Ó | %d3 |
212 | d4 | Ô | %d4 |
213 | d5 | Õ | %d5 |
214 | d6 | Ö | %d6 |
215 | d7 | × | %d7 |
216 | d8 | Ø | %d8 |
217 | d9 | Ù | %d9 |
218 | da | Ú | %da |
219 | db | Û | %db |
220 | dc | Ü | %dc |
221 | dd | Ý | %dd |
222 | de | Þ | %de |
223 | df | ß | %df |
224 | e0 | à | %e0 |
225 | e1 | á | %e1 |
226 | e2 | â | %e2 |
227 | e3 | ã | %e3 |
228 | e4 | ä | %e4 |
229 | e5 | å | %e5 |
230 | e6 | æ | %e6 |
231 | e7 | ç | %e7 |
232 | e8 | è | %e8 |
233 | e9 | é | %e9 |
234 | ea | ê | %ea |
235 | eb | ë | %eb |
236 | ec | ì | %ec |
237 | ed | í | %ed |
238 | ee | î | %ee |
239 | ef | ï | %ef |
240 | f0 | ð | %f0 |
241 | f1 | ñ | %f1 |
242 | f2 | ò | %f2 |
243 | f3 | ó | %f3 |
244 | f4 | ô | %f4 |
245 | f5 | õ | %f5 |
246 | f6 | ö | %f6 |
247 | f7 | ÷ | %f7 |
248 | f8 | ø | %f8 |
249 | f9 | ù | %f9 |
250 | fa | ú | %fa |
251 | fb | û | %fb |
252 | fc | ü | %fc |
253 | fd | ý | %fd |
254 | fe | þ | %fe |
255 | ff | ÿ | %ff |
Reserved Characters Encoding
Following is the table to be used to encode reserved characters.
Decimal | Hex Value | Char | URL Encode |
36 | 24 | $ | %24 |
38 | 26 | & | %26 |
43 | 2b | + | %2b |
44 | 2c | , | %2c |
47 | 2f | / | %2f |
58 | 3a | : | %3a |
59 | 3b | ; | %3b |
61 | 3d | = | %3d |
63 | 3f | ? | %3f |
64 | 40 | @ | %40 |
Unsafe Characters Encoding
Following is the table to be used to encode unsafe characters.
Decimal | Hex Value | Char | URL Encode |
32 | 20 | space | %20 |
34 | 22 | " | %22 |
60 | 3c | < | %3c |
62 | 3e | > | %3e |
35 | 23 | # | %23 |
37 | 25 | % | %25 |
123 | 7b | { | %7b |
125 | 7d | } | %7d |
124 | 7c | | | %7c |
92 | 5c | \ | %5c |
94 | 5e | ^ | %5e |
126 | 7e | ~ | %7e |
91 | 5b | [ | %5b |
93 | 5d | ] | %5d |
96 | 60 | ` | %60 |
The following is a draft list of language code correspondences between ISO codes, Microsoft codes, and Macintosh codes. Source of this information is Unicode Consortium.
Language Codes: ISO 639, Microsoft
Language | ISO Code | Windows Name | Win Code |
Abkhazian | ab | ||
Afar | aa | ||
Afrikaans | af | LANG_AFRIKAANS | 0x36 |
Albanian | sq | LANG_ALBANIAN | 0x1c |
Amharic | am | (no constant defined) | 0x5e |
Arabic | ar | LANG_ARABIC | 0x01 |
Armenian | hy | LANG_ARMENIAN | 0x2b |
Assamese | as | LANG_ASSAMESE | 0x4d |
Aymara | ay | ||
Azerbaijani | az | LANG_AZERI | 0x2c |
Bashkir | ba | ||
Basque | eu | LANG_BASQUE | 0x2d |
Bengali (Bangla) | bn | LANG_BENGALI | 0x45 |
Bhutani | dz | ||
Bihari | bh | ||
Bislama | bi | ||
Breton | br | ||
Bulgarian | bg | LANG_BULGARIAN | 0x02 |
Burmese | my | (no constant defined) | 0x55 |
Byelorussian (Belarusian) | be | LANG_BELARUSIAN | 0x23 |
Cambodian | km | (no constant defined) | 0x53 |
Catalan | ca | LANG_CATALAN | 0x03 |
Cherokee | (no constant defined) | 0x5c | |
Chewa | |||
Chinese (Simplified) | zh | LANG_CHINESE (SUBLANG_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED) | 0x04 (0x0804) |
Chinese (Traditional) | zh | LANG_CHINESE (SUBLANG_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL) | 0x04 (0x0404) |
Corsican | co | ||
Croatian | hr | LANG_CROATIAN | 0x1a |
Czech | cs | LANG_CZECH | 0x05 |
Danish | da | LANG_DANISH | 0x06 |
Divehi | LANG_DIVEHI | 0x65 | |
Dutch | nl | LANG_DUTCH | 0x13 |
Edo | (no constant defined) | 0x66 | |
English | en | LANG_ENGLISH | 0x09 |
Esperanto | eo | ||
Estonian | et | LANG_ESTONIAN | 0x25 |
Faeroese | fo | LANG_FAEROESE | 0x38 |
Farsi | fa | LANG_FARSI | 0x29 |
Fiji | fj | ||
Finnish | fi | LANG_FINNISH | 0x0b |
Flemish | LANG_DUTCH (SUBLANG_DUTCH_BELGIAN) | 0x13 (0x0813) | |
French | fr | LANG_FRENCH | 0x0c |
Frisian | fy | (no constant defined) | 0x62 |
Fulfulde | (no constant defined) | 0x67 | |
Galician | gl | LANG_GALICIAN | 0x56 |
Gaelic (Scottish) | gd | (no constant defined) | 0x3c (0x043c) |
Gaelic (Manx) | gv | ||
Georgian | ka | LANG_GEORGIAN | 0x37 |
German | de | LANG_GERMAN | 0x07 |
Greek | el | LANG_GREEK | 0x08 |
Greenlandic | kl | ||
Guarani | gn | (no constant defined) | 0x74 |
Gujarati | gu | LANG_GUJARATI | 0x47 |
Hausa | ha | (no constant defined) | 0x68 |
Hawaiian | (no constant defined) | 0x75 | |
Hebrew | he, iw* | LANG_HEBREW | 0x0d |
Hindi | hi | LANG_HINDI | 0x39 |
Hungarian | hu | LANG_HUNGARIAN | 0x0e |
Ibibio | (no constant defined) | 0x69 | |
Icelandic | is | LANG_ICELANDIC | 0x0f |
Igbo | (no constant defined) | 0x70 | |
Indonesian | id, in* | LANG_INDONESIAN | 0x21 |
Interlingua | ia | ||
Interlingue | ie | ||
Inuktitut | iu | (no constant defined) | 0x5d |
Inupiak | ik | ||
Irish | ga | (no constant defined) | 0x3c (0x083c) |
Italian | it | LANG_ITALIAN | 0x10 |
Japanese | ja | LANG_JAPANESE | 0x11 |
Javanese | jv | ||
Kannada | kn | LANG_KANNADA | 0x4b |
Kanuri | (no constant defined) | 0x71 | |
Kashmiri | ks | LANG_KASHMIRI | 0x60 |
Kazakh | kk | LANG_KAZAK | 0x3f |
Kinyarwanda (Ruanda) | rw | ||
Kirghiz | ky | LANG_KYRGYZ | 0x40 |
Kirundi (Rundi) | rn | ||
Konkani | LANG_KONKANI | 0x57 | |
Korean | ko | LANG_KOREAN | 0x12 |
Kurdish | ku | ||
Laothian | lo | (no constant defined) | 0x54 |
Latin | la | (no constant defined) | 0x76 |
Latvian (Lettish) | lv | LANG_LATVIAN | 0x26 |
Limburgish ( Limburger) | li | ||
Lingala | ln | ||
Lithuanian | lt | LANG_LITHUANIAN | 0x27 |
Macedonian | mk | LANG_MACEDONIAN | 0x2f |
Malagasy | mg | ||
Malay | ms | LANG_MALAY | 0x3e |
Malayalam | ml | LANG_MALAYALAM | 0x4c |
LANG_MANIPURI | 0x58 | ||
Maltese | mt | (no constant defined) | 0x3a |
Maori | mi | ||
Marathi | mr | LANG_MARATHI | 0x4e |
Moldavian | mo | ||
Mongolian | mn | LANG_MONGOLIAN | 0x50 |
Nauru | na | ||
Nepali | ne | LANG_NEPALI | 0x61 |
Norwegian | no | LANG_NORWEGIAN | 0x14 |
Occitan | oc | ||
Oriya | or | LANG_ORIYA | 0x48 |
Oromo (Afan, Galla) | om | (no constant defined) | 0x72 |
Papiamentu | (no constant defined) | 0x79 | |
Pashto (Pushto) | ps | (no constant defined) | 0x63 |
Polish | pl | LANG_POLISH | 0x15 |
Portuguese | pt | LANG_PORTUGUESE | 0x16 |
Punjabi | pa | LANG_PUNJABI | 0x46 |
Quechua | qu | ||
Rhaeto-Romance | rm | (no constant defined) | 0x17 |
Romanian | ro | LANG_ROMANIAN | 0x18 |
Russian | ru | LANG_RUSSIAN | 0x19 |
Sami (Lappish) | (no constant defined) | 0x3b | |
Samoan | sm | ||
Sangro | sg | ||
Sanskrit | sa | LANG_SANSKRIT | 0x4f |
Serbian | sr | LANG_SERBIAN (SUBLANG_SERBIAN_LATIN or SUBLANG_SERBIAN_CYRILLIC) | 0x1a (0x081a or 0x0c1a) |
Serbo-Croatian | sh | ||
Sesotho | st | ||
Setswana | tn | ||
Shona | sn | ||
Sindhi | sd | LANG_SINDHI | 0x59 |
Sinhalese | si | (no constant defined) | 0x5b |
Siswati | ss | ||
Slovak | sk | LANG_SLOVAK | 0x1b |
Slovenian | sl | LANG_SLOVENIAN | 0x24 |
Somali | so | (no constant defined) | 0x77 |
Spanish | es | LANG_SPANISH | 0x0a |
Sundanese | su | ||
Swahili (Kiswahili) | sw | LANG_SWAHILI | 0x41 |
Swedish | sv | LANG_SWEDISH | 0x1d |
Syriac | LANG_SYRIAC | 0x5a | |
Tagalog | tl | (no constant defined) | 0x64 |
Tajik | tg | (no constant defined) | 0x28 |
Tamazight | (no constant defined) | 0x5f | |
Tamil | ta | LANG_TAMIL | 0x49 |
Tatar | tt | LANG_TATAR | 0x44 |
Telugu | te | LANG_TELUGU | 0x4a |
Thai | th | LANG_THAI | 0x1e |
Tibetan | bo | (no constant defined) | 0x51 |
Tigrinya | ti | (no constant defined) | 0x73 |
Tonga | to | ||
Tsonga | ts | (no constant defined) | 0x31 |
Turkish | tr | LANG_TURKISH | 0x1f |
Turkmen | tk | (no constant defined) | 0x42 |
Twi | tw | ||
Uighur | ug | ||
Ukrainian | uk | LANG_UKRAINIAN | 0x22 |
Urdu | ur | LANG_URDU | 0x20 |
Uzbek | uz | LANG_UZBEK | 0x43 |
Venda | (no constant defined) | 0x33 | |
Vietnamese | vi | LANG_VIETNAMESE | 0x2a |
Volap?k | vo | ||
Welsh | cy | (no constant defined) | 0x52 |
Wolof | wo | ||
Xhosa | xh | (no constant defined) | 0x34 |
Yi | (no constant defined) | 0x78 | |
Yiddish | yi, ji* | (no constant defined) | 0x3d |
Yoruba | yo | (no constant defined) | 0x6a |
Zulu | zu | (no constant defined) | 0x35 |
Language Codes: ISO 639, Macintosh
Language | ISO Code | Mac Name | Mac Code |
Abkhazian | ab | ||
Afar | aa | ||
Afrikaans | af | langAfricaans | 141 |
Albanian | sq | langAlbanian | 36 |
Amharic | am | langAmharic | 85 |
Arabic | ar | langArabic | 12 |
Armenian | hy | langArmenian | 51 |
Assamese | as | langAssamese | 68 |
Aymara | ay | langAymara | 134 |
Azerbaijani | az | langAzerbaijani(Cyrllic), langAzerbaijanAr(Arabic) | 49(C), 50(A) |
Bashkir | ba | ||
Basque | eu | langBasque | 129 |
Bengali (Bangla) | bn | langBengali | 67 |
Bhutani | dz | langDzongkha | 137 |
Bihari | bh | ||
Bislama | bi | ||
Breton | br | langBreton | 142 |
Bulgarian | bg | langBulgarian | 44 |
Burmese | my | langBurmese | 77 |
Byelorussian (Belarusian) | be | langByelorussian | 46 |
Cambodian | km | langKhmer | 78 |
Catalan | ca | langCatalan | 130 |
Cherokee | |||
Chewa | langChewa | 92 | |
Chinese (Simplified) | zh | langSimpChinese | 33 |
Chinese (Traditional) | zh | langTradChinese | 19 |
Corsican | co | ||
Croatian | hr | langCroatian | 18 |
Czech | cs | langCzech | 38 |
Danish | da | langDanish | 7 |
Divehi | |||
Dutch | nl | langDutch | 4 |
Edo | |||
English | en | langEnglish | 0 |
Esperanto | eo | langEsperanto | 94 |
Estonian | et | langEstonian | 27 |
Faeroese | fo | langFaeroese | 30 |
Farsi | fa | langFarsi, langPersian | 31 |
Fiji | fj | ||
Finnish | fi | langFinnish | 13 |
Flemish | langFlemish | 34 | |
French | fr | langFrench | 1 |
Frisian | fy | ||
Fulfulde | |||
Galician | gl | langGalician | 140 |
Gaelic (Scottish) | gd | langScottishGaelic | 144 |
Gaelic (Manx) | gv | langManxGaelic | 145 |
Georgian | ka | langGeorgian | 52 |
German | de | langGerman | 2 |
Greek | el | langGreek (monotonic), langGreekPoly (polytonic) | 14(m), 148(p) |
Greenlandic | kl | ||
Guarani | gn | langGuarani | 133 |
Gujarati | gu | langGujarati | 69 |
Hausa | ha | ||
Hawaiian | |||
Hebrew | he, iw* | langHebrew | 10 |
Hindi | hi | langHindi | 21 |
Hungarian | hu | langHungarian | 26 |
Ibibio | |||
Icelandic | is | langIcelandic | 15 |
Igbo | |||
Indonesian | id, in* | langIndonesian | 81 |
Interlingua | ia | ||
Interlingue | ie | ||
Inuktitut | iu | langInuktitut | 143 |
Inupiak | ik | ||
Irish | ga | langIrishGaelic (normal), langIrishGaelicScr (dots above) | 35, 146 |
Italian | it | langItalian | 3 |
Japanese | ja | langJapanese | 11 |
Javanese | jv | langJavaneseRom | 138 |
Kannada | kn | langKannada | 73 |
Kanuri | |||
Kashmiri | ks | langKashmiri | 61 |
Kazakh | kk | langKazakh | 48 |
Kinyarwanda (Ruanda) | rw | langKiryarwanda (langRuanda) | 90 |
Kirghiz | ky | langKirghiz | 54 |
Kirundi (Rundi) | rn | langRundi | 91 |
Konkani | |||
Korean | ko | langKorean | 23 |
Kurdish | ku | langKurdish | 60 |
Laothian | lo | langLao | 79 |
Latin | la | langLatin | 131 |
Latvian (Lettish) | lv | langLatvian | 28 |
Limburgish (Limburger) | li | ||
Lingala | ln | ||
Lithuanian | lt | langLithuanian | 24 |
Macedonian | mk | langMacedonian | 43 |
Malagasy | mg | langMalagasy | 93 |
Malay | ms | langMalayRoman(Latin), langMalayArabic(Arabic) | 83(L), 84(A) |
Malayalam | ml | langMalayalam | 72 |
LANG_MANIPURI | 0x58 | ||
Maltese | mt | langMaltese | 16 |
Maori | mi | ||
Marathi | mr | langMarathi | 66 |
Moldavian | mo | langMoldavian | 53 |
Mongolian | mn | langMongolian(Mongolian), langMongolianCyr(Cyrillic) | 57(M), 58(C) |
Nauru | na | ||
Nepali | ne | langNepali | 64 |
Norwegian | no | langNorwegian | 9 |
Occitan | oc | ||
Oriya | or | langOriya | 71 |
Oromo (Afan, Galla) | om | langOromo (langGalla) | 87 |
Papiamentu | |||
Pashto (Pushto) | ps | langPashto | 59 |
Polish | pl | langPolish | 25 |
Portuguese | pt | langPortuguese | 8 |
Punjabi | pa | langPunjabi | 70 |
Quechua | qu | langQuechua | 132 |
Rhaeto-Romance | rm | ||
Romanian | ro | langRomanian | 37 |
Russian | ru | langRussian | 32 |
Sami (Lappish) | langSami (langLappish) | 29 | |
Samoan | sm | ||
Sangro | sg | ||
Sanskrit | sa | langSanskrit | 65 |
Serbian | sr | langSerbian | 42 |
Serbo-Croatian | sh | ||
Sesotho | st | ||
Setswana | tn | ||
Shona | sn | ||
Sindhi | sd | langSindhi | 62 |
Sinhalese | si | langSinhalese | 76 |
Siswati | ss | ||
Slovak | sk | langSlovak | 39 |
Slovenian | sl | langSlovenian | 40 |
Somali | so | langSomali | 88 |
Spanish | es | langSpanish | 6 |
Sundanese | su | langSundaneseRom | 139 |
Swahili (Kiswahili) | sw | langSwahili | 89 |
Swedish | sv | langSwedish | 5 |
Syriac | |||
Tagalog | tl | langTagalog | 82 |
Tajik | tg | langTajiki | 55 |
Tamazight | |||
Tamil | ta | langTamil | 74 |
Tatar | tt | langTatar | 135 |
Telugu | te | langTelugu | 75 |
Thai | th | langThai | 22 |
Tibetan | bo | langTibetan | 63 |
Tigrinya | ti | langTigrinya | 86 |
Tonga | to | langTongan | 147 |
Tsonga | ts | ||
Turkish | tr | langTurkish | 17 |
Turkmen | tk | langTurkmen | 56 |
Twi | tw | ||
Uighur | ug | langUighur | 136 |
Ukrainian | uk | langUkrainian | 45 |
Urdu | ur | langUrdu | 20 |
Uzbek | uz | langUzbek | 47 |
Venda | |||
Vietnamese | vi | langVietnamese | 80 |
Volap?k | vo | ||
Welsh | cy | langWelsh | 128 |
Wolof | wo | ||
Xhosa | xh | ||
Yi | |||
Yiddish | yi, ji* | langYiddish | 41 |
Yoruba | yo | ||
Zulu | zu |
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